The extract of this plant helped inhibit proliferation of cancer cells and also, has displayed the potential for antiplatelet accumulation ability. Utilisés surtout pour leur feuillage décoratif, les plectranthus sont des plantes herbacées à port étalé, retombant, aux feuilles ovales ou arrondies, dentées, parfois duveteuses, elles exhalent une odeur aromatique lorsqu'on les froisse, de couleur verte ou panachée vert et blanc, petites fleurs peu attractives Description Plectranthus amboinicus : Plectranthus amboinicus est une herbe vivace, semi-succulente pouvant atteindre plus d'1 m de hauteur. (orégano francés). The plant consists of vitamin A that can reduce oxidative stress in the eyes and prevent macular degeneration. Plectranthus amboinicus is a recognized plant with an anticancer potential. Availability: Usually ships in 5-7 business days. Skype: healthbenefit55. What Makes A Metallurgical Microscope Different? In a shallow bowl mix all the ingredients mentioned under ‘For the batter‘ except the water. Popular name(s): Cuban Oregano, Country Borage, French Thyme Botanical name: Plectranthus amboinicus Family: Lamiaceae Origin: Probably tropical Africa or India. Dried leaves are used to prepare marinade, stuffing or it can also be used as potherb. Plectranthus amboinicus (Lour.) Le gros thym (Plectranthus amboinicus) est une plante vivace de la famille des lamiacées, comme le thym, mais en apparence il ne ressemble pas du tout au thym.Il a de grandes feuilles qui sont très épaisses et juteuses, et qui sont surtout très aromatiques. Botanical Description 2.1. It is frost tender (USDA hardiness zones 10-11)[Template:Cite web] and grows well in subtropical and tropical locations, but will do well in cooler climates if grown in a pot and brought indoors, or moved to a warm, sheltered position in winter. Brewing tea from the leaves of Indian borage is the most effective way to take advantage of this health benefit.(7). Plant adulte de 20/50cm expédié dans un pot de12*12*13.5cm Nos engagements qualité & expédition … Plectranthus species are also used for dry season fodder. Nowadays it is grown in several parts of the world due to its amazing look and health promoting benefits. Botanical description Perennial herb, 60-100 cm high,with soft thick-stems, succulent, hairy, aromatic. Indian Borage plant is native to Southern and Eastern Africa, from South Africa (KwaZulu-Natal) and Swaziland to Angola and Mozambique and north to Kenya and Tanzania, where it grows in woodland or coastal bush, on rocky slopes and loamy or sandy flats at low elevations. Les feuilles opposées, simples sont charnues, pétiolées. Then gently and carefully pat each one dry (don’t skip this step as any traces of water will lead to oil splattering all over during the deep frying stage). Flowers are on a short stem, pale purplish, 10 to 20 (or more) flowered, dense whorls (cymes) at distant intervals in a long slender spike-like raceme. The taste of this leaf is pleasantly aromatic with an agreeable and refreshing odor. The herb is used as a folk remedy for burns and bites, internally as a carminative and anti-asthma, and applied externally as an insect repellant. Popular name(s): Cuban Oregano, Country Borage, French Thyme; Botanical name: Plectranthus amboinicus “Variegata” Family: Lamiaceae; Origin: Probably tropical Africa or India. Popular name(s): Cuban Oregano, Country Borage, French Thyme Botanical name: Plectranthus amboinicus “Variegata” Family: Lamiaceae Origin: Probably tropical Africa or India. (4), Research has discovered that the stem of the Indian borage plant was rich in antioxidants and has the capability to scavenge free radicals. Tangy but refreshing! Coleus amboinicus Lour., Coleus aromaticus Benth.) Description Some species are narrowly endemic occurring only in a very limited area, while others are widespread and very variable and consequently difficult to distinguish. It comprises about 300 species of annual or perennial herbs or subshrubs which are often succulents [18]. Leaves are rubbed on the body to act as an insect repellent. Indian Borage is a sprawling and somewhat succulent attractive, aromatic evergreen perennial herb that grows about 1 m (3.3 ft.) tall and even more in width in the wild. Among them, P. amboinicus is one the most important aromatic medicinal succulent plants that possess distinctive smelling leaves with short soft erect hairs. Content of omega-6 fatty acids present in the leaf of Indian borage is supposed to reduce arthritis. Plectranthus amboinicus (P. amboinicus) is a folk herb that is used to treat inflammatory diseases or swelling symptoms in Taiwan. Spreng. Health benefits of African Walnuts ~ Coula edulis, Health benefits of Marigold – Tagetes erecta, Health benefits of Ashitaba – Angelica keiskei, Health benefits of Salal – Gaultheria shallon, Uses and benefits of Snowberry – Symphoricarpos albus, Interesting facts and benefits of Coralberry – Symphoricarpos orbiculatus, Traditional uses and benefits of Yellow Loosestrife, Uses and benefits of Peyote – Lophophora williamsii, Traditional uses and benefits of Fernleaf Biscuitroot, Facts about Common Toadflax – Linaria vulgaris, Uses and benefits of Virginian Peppercress – Lepidium virginicum, Health benefits of Bay Laurel – Laurus nobilis, Uses and Benefits of Larch – Larix decidua, Southern and Eastern Africa, from South Africa (KwaZulu-Natal) and Swaziland to Angola and Mozambique and north to Kenya and Tanzania, Similar to oregano, but with a sharp mint-like flavor, Cures Respiratory Issues, Treats Fever, Reduces Stress and Anxiety, Reduce arthritis, Skin Care, Anti-cancer Potential, Improve vision, Improves Kidney Health, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Beneficial For Females, Leaf extract/Decoction or juice/Essential oil. Ad ID: 1391145051 Flowers are on a short stem (shortly pedicelled), pale purplish in dense whorls at distant intervals in a long slender raceme. Spreng. All parts are highly and pleasantly aromatic. Country of Origin: Kenya to S. Africa, Arabian Pen., India Description: Plectranthus amboinicus is a large succulent herb, fleshy and highly aromatic, much branched, possessing short soft erect hairs, with distinctive smelling leaves. Leaves are also eaten as a vegetable, as well as for washing clothes, hair, and laundry due to its fragrance. Related Links. Origan Cubain. If you would like to support this site, please consider,,,,,, Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License. $5.50. Leaves are 5–7 cm (2.0–2.8 in) by 4–6 cm (1.6–2.4 in), fleshy, undivided (simple), broad, egg/oval-shaped with a tapering tip (ovate). Then transfer onto an absorbent kitchen tissue. PubMed:Plectranthus amboinicus leaf extract mediated synthesis of zinc oxide nanoparticles and its control of methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus biofilm and blood sucking mosquito larvae. However, it is not a legal authority for statutory or regulatory purposes. Plectranthus amboinicus (Cuban oregano, Spanish thyme, Orégano Brujo (Puerto Rico), Indian Borage, Húng chanh (Vietnam), Mexican thyme, or Mexican mint; syn. No decorative pot. All rights reserved. Leaves have many traditional medicinal uses for the treatment of coughs, sore throats and nasal congestion, but also for a range of other problems such as infections, rheumatism and flatulence. The roots are fibrous. Seeds are smooth, pale-brown, roundish flattened, 0.7 mm (0.028 in) long and 0.5 mm (0.020 in) wide. For carbuncles, felons, boils, sprains, painful swellings, and in nervous cases, just make a poultice of the leaves and apply over the affected part. They are pubescent (thickly studded with hairs), with the lower surface possessing the most numerous glandular hairs, giving a frosted appearance. Useful Tropical Plants Database 2014 by Description Some species are narrowly endemic occurring only in a very limited area, while others are widespread and very variable and consequently difficult to distinguish. It can be eaten raw with bread and butter, fried in batter, flavoring for wine, beer, salads and tea. Usages : Plante parfaite pour les massifs mi-ombragés ou la culture en pot, sur les balcons situés au Nord. The corolla is pale purplish and five times longer than the calyx, with a short tube, inflated throat and short lips. While the oil is heating up, dip the leaves (including the stem portion) into the prepared batter. Gurgel AP et al., (2009) evaluated the anti-inflammatory and antitumor activities of the hydroalcoholic extract from leaves of Plectranthus amboinicus (Lour.) They taste great without any accompaniment but ketchup or any dip of your choice will work well too. Ses feuilles vert clair, persistantes, dégagent une forte odeur au toucher. Taxonomy P. amboinicus (Loureiro) Sprengel is a member of the family, Lamiaceae. Le conseil du jardinier pour Plectranthus ornatus. Dans les climats secs, c'est une plante qui croît très vite dans un sol bien drainé en position semi-ombragée. Fleurs blanches ou rose. Essential oil obtained from the leaves and stems is used as a skin conditioner in commercial cosmetic preparations. Plectranthus amboinicus ‘variegatus’ is an aromatic evergreen shrub sometimes known as Cuban Oregano or Mexican Mint. Plectranthus amboinicus (Lour.) Corolla is blue, curved and declinate, 8–12 mm (0.31–0.47 in) long and tube is 3–4 mm (0.12–0.16 in) long. Description Plectranthus amboinicus is an attractive, evergreen, perennial plant up to 3.3 feet (1 m) tall, with lemon-scented, thick, succulent stems and fleshy leaves. En fin d’hiver, parfois avant, émergent de la touffe des tiges ornées de fleurs bleu mauve. P. amboinicus significantly inhibited the footpad swelling and arthritic symptoms in collagen-induced arthritic rats, while the serum anti-collagen IgM and CRP levels were consistently decreased. J'ai découvert il y a quelques jours que cette plante a des feuilles comestibles. The name Plectranthus derives from the Greek words “plectron”, meaning spur, and “Anthos”, meaning flower, in reference to the spur-shaped flowers of some members of the genus. Origan Cubain. Additionally, athletes are also recommended to consume this leaf to prevent osteoporosis. Plectranthus amboinicus is a fast-growing plant commonly grown in gardens and indoor in pots. Add the water in parts until you get a smooth, lump free and flowing consistency (see notes#2 and 3 before proceeding). Applied externally, the leaves are used to treat headaches, inflammations, skin allergies, wounds, burns, sores and ulcers. It makes a great accent plant and is very easy to grow as a houseplant, and can also be planted outside in the summer. Spreng. or mint family. Description. Great for steam inhalations. It is known to grow in rocky, loamy or sandy soil. Description. It is also used to treat malarial fever, hepatopathy, renal and vesical calculi, cough, chronic asthma, hiccup, bronchitis, helminthiasis and convulsions. Repeat the process till all the leaves are fried. Easy to care for, keep in good light but indirect sun. Le Gros Thym se rencontre dans toutes les Antilles où il est naturalisé. Propagation is by stem cuttings, but it can also be grown from seeds. Transfer all the ingredients to a grinder and add 1-2 tablespoons of water and grind to a semi-coarse consistency. Also, make sure that the leaves don’t fold up after being dipped in the batter as they will remain that way when you release them into the oil. In Singapore, it is best grown in semi-shade, but it can be grown in full sun in temperate climates. For Children, ½ cup 4 times a day. From Southern Africa it would have been carried by Arabs and other traders to Arabia, India and Southeast Asia along the Indian Ocean maritime trade routes. It is widely cultivated as a medicinal plant, potherb, ornamental, and condiment in tropical regions around the world. Terms & conditions Nutlets are initially green turning to pale brown as they mature. It can reach over 1 m Associated Fauna: The flowers are pollinated by bees and butterflies, Cultivation: Plectranthus amboinicus 'Variegatus' is easy-to-grow and handles hot weather well. The species is also used in magico-religious rituals to ward off spirits, as a food additive, vegetable, insect repellent, and for its essential oils. Listed below are some of the well-known health benefits of consuming Indian borage: If you are suffering from a cold, a sore throat, congestion, a stuffy nose, or painful sinuses, you can chew on the leaves of Indian borage or brew a tea from the leaves. Plectranthus amboinicus; Plectranthus amboinicus. Interpreting Wetland Status. The petiole is 2–4.5 cm (0.79–1.77 in) long. P. amboinicus is an aromatic herb listed in the Global Compendium of Weeds (Randall, 2012) as “cultivation escape, environmental weed, naturalised, weed” and is known to be invasive outside of its native range including Cuba (Oviedo Prieto et al., 2012) and the Pacific Islands (PIER, 2014). This plant is nicknamed “amboinicus” from Ambon, an island where a botanist lives, his name is “Rumphius”. Coleus amboinicus Lour., Coleus aromaticus Benth.) In dry climates the herb grows easily in a well-drained, semi-shaded position. A spreading succulent with thick, highly aromatic, fleshy leaves. (6), Since ancient time Indian borage was used traditionally to settle upset stomachs and relieve irritable bowel syndrome by regulating digestion and soothing stomach inflammation. As a heating compress, get several leaves, heat them and apply as a compress for a sore throat. Facts about Callery Pear ~ Pyrus calleryana, A Busy Woman’s Guide To Staying Fit And Healthy, Protecting Yourself and Others from COVID-19: What We Can All Learn from Nurses, 8 Reasons Why You Should Consider A Career in Nursing, Common Exercises That Burn The Most Calories, 6 Reasons to Consider Adding Swimming to Your Workout Routine. It is large succulent aromatic perennial herb, shrubby below, hispidly villous or tomentose. Propagation is by stem cuttings, but it can also be grown from seeds. The plant is anti-inflammatory and is used for treating stiff neck and backache. Height: 30 to 100 centimetres; USDA zone: 12 (10 °C) Description. Sprend: Noms vernaculaires : Gwo ten: Description : Variété originaire du Kenya, Tanzanie, Angola, Mozambique, Afrique du Sud. An infusion or syrup made from the aromatic leaves is recommended to treat coughs. Cuban Oregano. Spicy fresh leaves are used to scent laundry and the hair. The bracts are broadly ovate, 3–4 cm (1.2–1.6 in) long, acute. Description: Spanish Thyme, also known as Cuban Oregano, is a tender perennial, with very fragrant, thick fleshy leaves.Very nice in pots or baskets, used in Mediterranean cooking. Plectranthus amboinicus (Cuban oregano, Spanish thyme, Orégano Brujo (Puerto Rico), Indian Borage, Húng chanh (Vietnam), Mexican thyme, or Mexican mint; syn. Place as many leaves as you are going to fry in one batch (taking care to see that you don’t overcrowd the pan). The margins are coarsely crenate to dentate-crenate except in the base. Plectranthus ornatus est un petit buisson succulent, originaire d’Afrique du Sud. Plectranthus amboinicus on Plasmodium berghei yoelii34. Description Coléus originels La plupart des espèces de ... L'espèce type, Coleus aromaticus (Plectranthus amboinicus), aussi appelé origan cubain, est utilisée comme plante aromatique et médicinale [1]. Coleus amboinicus Lour., Coleus aromaticus Benth.) When they stop spluttering, add the curry leaves and reduce the heat. Rev Cubana planta Med 3(3):110-115. Indian borage (Plectranthus amboinicus) $ 9.99 Indian borage, also known as Cuban oregano, French thyme, Indian mint, and queen of herbs, is an easy-to-grow plant for use as a culinary herb or in multiple folk remedies. The species epithet “amboinicus” is derived from Ambon, an island in the East Indies where Rumphius, a well-known botanist, is from. PubMed:Rhizofiltration of lead using an aromatic medicinal plant Plectranthus amboinicus cultured in … Many species of Plectranthus have economical and medicinal values. (3), One of the most popular uses of Indian borage is an effective skin treatment. Habit: It is a mound-forming succulent subshrubs, shrubby at the base, much branched up to 150 (or more)cm in diameter and 30-90 cm tall if left untrimmed. Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License. When all the leaves are into the oil let them fry for a few seconds before gently flipping them over. Plectranthus amboinicus est également utilisé comme traitement de l’urolithiase (lithiase rénale, néphrolithiase ou gravelle), une affection caractérisée par la formation de calculs dans la vessie ou les voies urinaires. 9 MENENDEZ RA, PAVON V, 1999 Plectranthus amboinicus (Lour.) Bloom Time and Color: Light Lavender - Late Fall. Plectranthus amboinicus (Cuban oregano, Spanish thyme, Orégano Brujo (Puerto Rico), Indian Borage, Húng chanh (Vietnam), Mexican thyme, or Mexican mint; syn. Plectranthus amboinicus: Previous name used in the website: Synonyms: Family name: LAMIACEAE: English name: Country borage: Local name: Kapparawalliya * Tamil name: Sanskrit name: Karpuravalli: Conservation status: Description: Semi-shrubby aromatic perennial, 1.2 m long, obtusely 4-angleed. Show All Show Tabs Mexican mint When fresh, double the amount of the leaves to a pint of boiling water. Relief to bites and stings and Answers a treatment for acute edematous otitis acuta in Polynesia or... ) Sprengel is a rapid growing, branched, evergreen, ascending, spreading shrublet, 300–700 tall... Corners of the mint family Lamiaceae, Coleus amboinicus grows up to 1 m Oregano –! Short soft erect hairs cette plante a des feuilles comestibles LEON N, ACEVEDO ME, PEREZ-SAAD H,.! Is also reported to relieve kidney troubles, treat vaginal discharges and is drunk after childbirth diseases in eyes. 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