Prickly agave can also keep deer from making your yard an all-you-can-eat buffet. Snapdragons bloom most profusely in the cooler weather of spring and fall, and come in a variety of cultivars, ranging from dwarf and trailing varieties to lofty 3-foot hybrids with densely packed blooms, such as the multicolored ‘Rocket Mix’. Deer Resistant Shrubs are bushes that are rarely or minimally damaged by deer. Height: 6 to 30 inches tall, 10 to 18 inches wide There are evergreen shrubs, flowering shrubs, and ornamental picks that the deer are likely to avoid, even if they’re really hungry. Double Play® Candy Corn® spirea. Boxwoods are broadleaf evergreens. Top Deer-Resistant Shrubs. Most of these perennials and shrubs will bloom, too! If you're looking for trees that are less likely to become a buffet for deer, try one of these: Bottlebrush, Sabal spp., coconut palm, crape myrtle, edible fig, loquat, live oak, magnolia, orchid tree, pineapple guava, pomegranate, queen palm, royal palm, and yaupon. Zones: 5-9, Buy Russian sage plants from Proven Winners. New book release from Karen Chapman, Deer Resistant Design: Fence-free Gardens That Thrive Despite the Deer - buy now on Amazon. You’ll need well-draining soil for this plant to do well, but it’ll survive well into the fall until the first frost hits. This is a low-maintenance plant that requires minimal pruning to help control the growth and spread. It blooms starting in the late summer and going to the early fall, and it needs a decent amount of sun without a lot of heat. Pollinators are drawn to the large panicles of honey-scented blooms from summer through fall. Zones: 7-10. If you have a passion for gardening and you live in Zone 6, you know the challenge that deer can present. Some plants, both native and ornamental, used for landscaping are preferred as forage by deer. The finely textured leaves come in a blue-green coloring, and deer find them unpalatable. There are no plants that are completely deer proof. Height/Spread: Varies, 1 to 3 feet tall & wide for shrub varieties; 4 to 7 feet tall and up to 5 feet wide for tree peonies. Oblong, toothed leaves are gray-green to dark green. Design a beautiful landscape filled with breathtaking blooms and distinctive foliage, without worrying about destructive deer. When food and water are scarce, however, desperate deer may eat anything they can find, even if they don’t particularly like it. Using landscape plants NOT preferred by deer is one way to prevent or at least lessen damage. This is one of the very few native woodland plants that deer avoid. Photo by: Proven Winners. Despite monkshood’s notoriety as a poisonous plant (see 12 Poisonous and Notorious Plants), it has a captivating beauty that few other perennials can match. While truly deer proof plants are hard to identify, there are a number of plants that have been determined to be deer resistant. Japanese sedge spreads slowly by underground rhizomes to create a dense noninvasive groundcover that remains evergreen in warmer growing zones. Better known as Blue Mist Shrub, this plant blooms throughout the late summer months when most bushes are dying back for the year. You can also try a. They’ll reward you with blooms in white, yellow, purple, red, or pink. For the most part, we can live in harmony with these creatures and derive considerable pleasure from their presence. Height/Spread: Varies widely, 6 inches to 4 feet tall, 6 inches to 2 feet wide Spotted Deadnettle. Though boxwood does not sport showy flowers, its deep green foliage grows densely and can form a good screen. (Plants in BOLDfont are native to Maryland) 1. Photo by Proven Winners. Zones: 5-9. They grow in zones two to eight, and they can have silver, yellow, green, or blue foliage. This is one of the best picks if you want season-long coloring because it’ll easily brighten up any corner of your garden or yard with saucer-shaped flowers starting in June and going through September. Shrubs and Trees Deer Won’t Eat Highbush Cranberry. This shrub grows well in moist areas. Zones: 8-11, grown as an annual elsewhere. Height/Spread: 3 to 4 inches tall, spreads 7 to 8 inches It’s an evergreen shrub, but it looks the best each year in the early spring with the flowers first start to bloom and give off a heavy scent. It will bloom summer through fall with very fragrant flowers that attract butterflies and hummingbirds, plus it's shade-tolerant and resistant to both deer and rabbits. Deer-Proof Bulbs If you trim Verbena back in the midsummer months, you’ll get a range of deer-resistant blooms until the first frost hits. Solomon's plume, Maianthemum racemosum 4. all orchids, for example the lady slippers, as shown at left 5. ninebark, Physocarpus opulifolius 6. smooth Solomon's seal, Polygonatum biflorum var. You shouldn’t need to stake them to keep them upright, and they have a bitter taste with an unpleasant smell that keeps the deer far away. They can devastate these plants in quick order. More about the newsletter. Fear not though, there are plenty of deer resistant plants that you can use in your landscape. Salvia, or sage plants, include a range of species, most of which are considered deer-resistant for the same reason that deer do not eat catmint and bee balm: they stink. 21 Deer-resistant Plants for San Antonio and the Hill Country By Mark Peterson November 8, 2016. Mar 20, 2019 Ron Erwin Getty Images. You’ll get very small flowers that have a bell shape to them, and they put out a very heavy floral fragrance in the early spring when they bloom that keep the deer away. Photo courtesy Kleft Seed. Yet, it will most likely not devour the actual plant. Subscribe to our newsletter to receive regular updates. Deer seem to shun the attractive glossy, green foliage because of its strong scent. You just may turn your entire yard into one that has a huge variety of deer resistant shrubs that look nice all year round. Other shrubs that are normally ignored include the following garden-worthy plants. It’ll bear brilliant red-hued foliage in the fall months and white flowers with blue berries in the spring and summer. ‘Lemon Gem’ is one of the best-tasting varieties and features bright yellow petals around a darker yellow center. Yet, it will most likely not devour the actual plant. Facebook. Height/Spread: Varies, from low-growing to upright. My Deer-resistant Landscape Nursery plants are open to browsing by the neighborhood herd. Dusty Miller by nodigio / CC BY-NC-ND 2.0. Japanese Spirea by Michele Dorsey Walfred / CC BY 2.0. Top Deer-Resistant Shrubs. Its dainty bell-shaped flowers perfume the air with a heavenly fragrance in early spring. Astilbe are also deer-resistant plants that grow well in shade. All varieties of marigolds are a turnoff for deer because of their strong, pungent scent. It needs zones four to eight to thrive, and it likes well-drained soil. Deer “Resistant” Shrubs and Trees (both native and non native species to Virginia) Compiled by Carrie Whitacre for The State Arboretum of Virginia White-tailed deer are responsible for a great deal of landscape destruction. If that doesn’t work, try startling them with a sudden spray of water by installing a motion-activated sprinkler, such as. 20 Deer-Resistant Plants to Protect Your Garden From Bambi and Friends. Photo by Proven Winners. Forsythia – Deer won’t bother this cheerful favorite, as it welcomes in spring some of the earliest flowers in your garden. Many have beautiful, fragrant flowers and are deer-resistant. Both are wonderfully deer resistant and offer attractive blue-green foliage. They’ll eat almost anything—even plants they never bothered in previous years. Deutzia(Deutzia gracilis) 13. Not only do they repel deer because of the volatile oils in their needles, they also are drought tolerant and have few pest problems. Bugleweed. Hayscented Ferns. There are deer-specific noise makers and ultrasonic options you could try out if you have particularly stubborn deer hanging around. Arrowwood (Viburnum dentatum) by Kent McFarland / CC BY-NC 2.0. The leaves have a lance shape to them with a deep green coloring that helps set off the flowers and berries, and they last well into the fall months. Deer generally leave this plant alone due to the flower’s scent, and they love full fun locations where they get at least six hours of direct light every day. Lo & Behold Butterfly Bush (Buddleia) – Fantastic Deer Repellent Shrub Rainbow Fizz Spirea (Spiraea japonica) English Boxwood (Buxus sempervirens) – Shrub that Resists Deer Bella Bellissima Potentilla (Potentilla fruticosa) Like most species of sedges and ornamental grasses, it is not favored by deer. Extra protection especially for young plants may be your best bet if you have a heavy deer population and experience extensive damage each year. If you live in a cool climate, it’ll grow even longer. This is a deer-resistant groundcover, and Lily of the Valley loves shade. Arrowwood(Virburnum dentatum) 5. The spruce and the junipers in Lion’s Park by Ken Whytock / CC BY-NC 2.0. Height/Spread: 1 to 2 feet tall & wide If you get the conditions correct, it’ll produce highly fragrant flowers in shades of white, red, yellow, pink, or bluish-purple that start in the early spring and go until the end of summer. Here are six deer- and rabbit-resistant shrubs that will discourage them from feasting on your plants. They are among the earliest plants to bloom in the spring. Height/Spread: 4 to 36 inches tall, 6 to 18 inches wide On this page: Deer-Resistant Flowers | Deer-Resistant Shrubs | Deer-Resistant Perennials | Deer-Resistant Groundcovers | Deer-Proofing Tips | Online Learning. It grows in zones five to eight, and it is a slightly low-maintenance choice that requires minimal pruning to help keep your desired shape. You can plant them in the ground or in containers with success, and they’ll need very little care once you plant them and they establish themselves. The list was compiled with input from nursery and landscape professionals, Rutgers New Jersey Agricultural Experiment Station (NJAES) Cooperative Extension personnel, and Rutgers Master Gardeners in northern New Jersey. They can also have golden-yellow foliage that turns a deep red in the fall, and they need well-draining soil that is acidic to slightly alkaline. Check out some of the best deer resistant plants prone to thriving in Wisconsin. near you. Photo by: Proven Winners. It grows in zones five to nine, and it comes in pink, purple, or blue flowers with medium-green foliage. Deer ignore most ferns, including this stunning low-growing variety distinguished by its silver-gray fronds delicately painted with brush strokes of green and mauve. Athyrium niponicum var. To eliminate the temptation, treat the area with a, If all else fails, surround your garden with, You don’t have to avoid growing all the annuals that deer like to nibble on. Just be careful that you don’t get it on more sensitive plants or on plants you intend to eat. Zones: 9-10, grown as an annual elsewhere. You can get dozens of different cultivars that range from dwarf and trailing plants to three-foot hybrids. Boxwoods are among the most versatile broadleaf evergreens for a deer-resistant garden. Pugster Blue® butterfly bush. Zones: 3-9. Taller varieties, such as ‘Blue Horizon,’ are especially attractive in fresh or dried flower arrangements. However, deer can strip the bark from the tree or shrub, and this will kill your plant. Deer Resistant Shrub with Fragrant Flowers Ruby Anniversary abelia is an unusually hardy abelia, thriving even in zone 5. Keep in mind that deer can jump between six and eight-feet high, so it’ll have to be taller to keep them out. They come in numerous shapes and sizes and take well to pruning, making them ideal for formal hedges, borders, and topiaries. This is considered an invasive species in some parts of the eastern and southern United States and eastern Canada, but it is a very versatile addition to your yard. Butterfly weed or bush is one shrub that many areas consider invasive, however, it makes a striking addition to almost any landscape. The plants you'll find in this slide show have proven deer resistant for many gardeners -- we hope they'll do the same for you. These little animals love to eat all of my favorite plants. If you want to keep the bush compact, you’ll have to routinely prune it. They’re easy to care for, easy to plant and maintain, and they look lush and full. Before the deer come in, go and buy a strong commercial-grade deer repellent and put it around your plants, shrubs, and flower beds. It is not actually a cranberry but resembles it in both appearance and taste. However, if they do eat one of these plants, they'll likely go for the flowers before the foliage. 20 Deer-Resistant Plants to Protect Your Garden From Bambi and Friends. Bearberry. If you live in zones three to seven and have more difficult growing conditions in your yard, Bayberry is a nice shrub to consider. This flowering plant is not a favorite item on the deer menu: its sharp, spiky fronds tend to keep deer from munching in many — though not all — cases. Interplant aromatic perennial herbs throughout your garden that have scents that deer hate, such as mint, thyme, French tarragon, Deer love the tender new leaves and shoots of groundcovers when they first emerge in the spring. A species that is shunned by the majority may be enjoyed by some. Dramatic spikes of flowers in almost every color imaginable make snapdragons a stunning addition to a deer-resistant garden. All Rights Reserved. It produces silver-grey berries and yellow-green flowers with deep green leaves that look a little like holly leaves. North Star® boxwood. They have wide leaves like deciduous plants, but they keep their leaves and stay green in the winter. Check out some of the best deer resistant plants prone to thriving in Wisconsin. It’ll grow between 6 and 10-feet tall, but it’ll grow even taller with the correct growing conditions. Try a few and see how well they stack up against your other plants, shrubs, and flowers. Allegheny Spurge. When they’re hungry and competition for food is high, deer will treat your yard like an all-you-can-eat buffet. Cinquefoil by Alvin Trusty / CC BY-NC 2.0. If you want to fend off deer while attracting bees and butterflies to your garden, butterfly bush is the perfect choice. Other Deer Resistant Shade Tolerant Plants. Many smaller, shrubby plants are also resistant to deer, including Boxwood for hedges and edging, adding another big plus mark to that valuable plant. Olea spp. Shrubs That Are Deer-Resistant. karrylh. Thyme, mint, chives, lavender, rosemary, sage, and French tarragon are all excellent choices. October 20, 2020. Barrenwort. We’ve included some of Clausen’s smart choices, along with a few top picks of our own, in this list of deer-resistant plants. Bishop’s Weed. You can get them in several shapes and sizes, and these are the shrubs that you can prune and trim into fun shapes. This plant will tolerate erosion, drought, and salt without a problem, and it’s usually a low maintenance choice. Zones: 10-11, grown as an annual elsewhere. Garlic and onions generally grow in zones 5 and up, but this can vary depending on the type. Deer tend to avoid plants that are strongly fragrant, have … Photo by: Proven Winners. It needs well-draining soil with dry to medium moisture content, and it likes part shade to full sun. Acanthus mollis. It is important to note that when deer are hungry they will eat just about any plant, especially tender young growth, buds, and flowers. Gardeners in New Hampshire, particularly those in the southern counties and along the Connecticut River Valley, will undoubtedly come into conflict with deer at some point in time. In this video I will show you some of my favorite deer resistant plants. Deer-Resistant Plants: Shrubs and Trees for the Deer-Plagued Gardener By Richard A. Larson | December 1, 2001 Over the past few decades, plant damage caused by deer has risen to alarming levels in North American rural and suburban gardens. One of our favorite deer-resistant perennials are bleeding hearts (Lamprocapnos spectabilis, aka Dicentra spectabilis). Deer hate the way these plants taste! Gardenia is a small to medium-sized (depending on the variety) evergreen shrub with beautiful fragrant white flowers that bloom in late spring or early summer. Also, check out my DIY Deer Resistant … Deer-Resistant Plants: Shrubs and Trees for the Deer-Plagued Gardener By Richard A. Larson | December 1, 2001 Over the past few decades, plant damage caused by deer has risen to alarming levels in North American rural and suburban gardens. Blackhaw (Viburnum prunifolium) 7. They don’t react well to sudden noises or movement, and they prefer to flee rather than stand around or charge you. Photo by Tim Gainey / Alamy Stock Photo. Using landscape plants NOT preferred by deer is one way to prevent or at least lessen damage. Taking the time, energy and expense of trying to beautify your yard, to have ravenous deer eat it all down to nubs can be extremely frustrating! Some may be affiliate links, meaning we earn commissions on purchases. Mar 20, 2019 Ron Erwin Getty Images. Additionally, it can survive in full sun to part shade without a problem, and it likes a well-draining soil with a neutral pH level. Deer Resistant Shade Shrubs. document.write(theDate.getFullYear()) Many smaller, shrubby plants are also resistant to deer, including Boxwood for hedges and edging, adding another big plus mark to that valuable plant. Bluebeard(Caryopteris x clandonensis) 8. Junipers have many different uses in the garden, from groundcovers and accent plantings to topiaries and privacy screens. Coreopsis and Echinacea purpurea For smaller gardens, try Pugster, a space-saving dwarf variety that produces full-sized blooms on compact 2-foot plants. They should have shelter from strong winds, and you may need to stake larger plants to keep them from drooping. It is considered a staple in formal gardens due to its tolerance of pruning and shearing. This does not mean that they are deer proof though. See more ideas about Shrubs, Deer resistant shrubs, Plants. Height: 6 to 18 inches tall The following tips will help you stay ahead of them. This popular shade-tolerant groundcover is primarily grown for its foliage, which spreads quickly via underground runners to form a dense carpet of glossy green leaves that retain their color throughout winter. The leaves are dark green or green-gray, and they have a toothed, oblong shape. This is because deer food preferences vary depending on what else is available to eat at any particular time and location. You will have to protect it from the winter winds, and it needs rich, slightly acidic soil that will drain well. Boxwood shrubs. Generally speaking, Shrub Roses are a good choice to plant where you have a deer problem because they have very thorny stems that keep the deer away. Sensitive Fern. 26. You’ll need zones two to eight with part sun to full sun, and it likes an average soil that is well-draining with medium moisture. var theDate=new Date() The exotic indigo-blue flowers resemble the figure of a hooded monk and rise on spikes above deeply divided dark green leaves. There are many of you who ask what are good choices for my yard that are deer resistant. Artist® Blue floss flower. They will still eat them if they’re starving, but there are deer resistant shrubs available that they won’t touch. They offer large flower spikes in almost every color imaginable, and they will start to bloom at a rapid rate in the cooler fall or spring weather. Any gardener who wants a shrub that will produce tight clusters or red, white, or pink flowers should take a look at Japanese Spirea. As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases. The broad scallop-edged leaves, which resemble a lady’s cloak, are covered with soft hairs that deer find objectionable. When you're looking for deer-proof shade plants, here are a few with textures and tastes that these creatures tend to shy away from (although no plant can be considered completely deer resistant). Many of us who live in the suburbs must share our environment with the native wildlife. Even some deer resistant shrubs can use a boost. It grows in zones five to nine under full sun conditions, and it’ll need a neutral to slight acidic soil that drains very well. Shrubs, which are usually smaller than trees, usually have more than once central stem that extends outward from the base of the plant. Beautybush (Kolkwitzia amabilis) 6. They offer vibrant colors and heavy fragrances that make them nice additions to any yard or garden in zones four to nine. They work well as ground cover, and you can even shape them into pom poms to create a whimsical look around your yard. Many stunning plants are unpalatable to deer because of their poisonous compounds, fuzzy or aromatic leaves, and tough, spiny, or bristly textures,” says Ruth Rogers Clausen, author of 50 Beautiful Deer-Resistant Plants. There is deeply lobed foliage in a dark green coloring that sets the flowers off even more, and the spikes can grow up to seven-feet tall. The creamy white flowers open gradually along the spikes from the bottom upward, creating fluffy spires up to 2 feet long rising above deeply lobed dark-green foliage. Sweet Woodruff. Burkwood Daphne ‘Carol Mackie’ {daphne burkwoodii} by Drew Avery / CC BY 2.0. Her tips go well beyond a deer-resistant plant list, as she shows you multiple strategies, as well as how to combine them together to get more bang for your deer-resistant buck. For a floss flower that doesn't require deadheading and will bloom throughout summer in hot climates, try Artist® Blue (pictured). Lily of the Valley. In July, tiny lavender-blue flowers form on tall stalks, producing lovely plumes of color. In this article, we’ll look at the most effective deer resistant shade plants you can grow. So, to make it a bit easier to make your choices, we have compiled a list of plants that are known to be deer resistant. Fortunately, over the last few years, my husband and I have discovered a handful of shrubs that look AMAZING in the shade (shade plants can be hard to find) and are deer resistant. Astilbe are also deer-resistant plants that grow well in shade. Zones: 4-9. The plant’s flowers will release a fragrance that is strong enough to deter deer. Although the spikes can grow as tall as 7 feet, they rarely need staking. Print. You should prune it annually to help control the height, and it’ll spread if you don’t watch it. Lily of the valley is a shade-loving, deer-resistant groundcover is one of Garden Design’s spring flowering all-stars. I prefer to use the term deer resistant, rather than deer proof, because tastes vary from individual to individual. Caught in the act, the deer looks up nonchalantly and saunters back into the woods, as I hurl a litany of vulgarities that would make a sailor blush. What’s even better, you can go out and pick them to use them in your cooking whenever you need. last year. It also needs at least six hours of direct sunlight a day to bring out the vibrant coloring. It’s a bit of a mystery why deer avoid spirea, but their aversion is good news for gardeners who love its abundant clusters of flowers in late spring and summer. Put them in well-drained but evenly moist soil under full sun exposure. Better known as Bugbane or Snakeroot, Black Cohosh offers flower spikes in the shape of bottle brushes. Zones: 2-8. Cultivars are available in shades of blue, pink, purple, and white. Zones: 4-9. Carex morrowii 'Ice Dance'. Share. Height/Spread: 1 to 3 feet tall, 1 to 2 feet wide Your soil should drain very well but be rich to support the vibrant coloring. About Zone 8 Deer Resistant Plants. Height/Spread: 6 inches to 3 feet tall, 1 to 2 feet wide Sign me up! Let’s make something clear: planting deer resistant shrubs will not make your garden 100% deer proof. Height/Spread: 1 to 3 feet tall & wide Caryopteris by Leonora (Ellie) Enking / CC BY-SA 2.0. One of the best ways to mitigate the damage these herbivores do to herbaceous (and evergreen) plants is to select ones that are not on their preferred menu. Zones: 3-8. Growing in zones three to eight, Monkshood is a highly poisonous plant that you should never handle without gloves and adequate protection. So keep this in mind when searching for deer resistant plants and trees; there is no such thing as deer-proof plants. Other shrubs that are normally ignored include the following garden-worthy plants. The Sweet Lily of the Valley by ib Aarmo / CC BY-NC-ND 2.0. This shrub grows well in moist areas. How do I keep the deer from eating my plants? Height/Spread: Varies, 2 to 4 feet tall & wide Previous Next Living in the Northern Chicago suburbs means abundant parks and forest preserves along with various critters ready to snack on our gardens. But if deer are a problem in your garden, you may be able to discourage them–most of the time–with your plant choices. Zones: 2-7. Common Name Olive. They’ll eat almost anything—even plants they never bothered in previous years. These are a long-lived, reliable, and tough plant that is almost pest-proof, and they make for a colorful addition to any garden or landscape. * Required | We will never sell or distribute your email to any other parties or organizations. As an added attraction, attractive spikes of tiny white blooms emerge from the creeping shoots in early spring. The flowers will often last as long as 15 weeks, well into October, making Russian sage a good companion for other fall-blooming perennials. Deer generally stay away from aromatic herbs and other plants, such as sage, rosemary, and lavender. It likes to be in areas where it gets afternoon shade, and it can thrive in acidic to loamy soil, so this makes it more versatile than others on the list. They grow well in zones 7 to 11, and some species do come back every year while some are annuals. Previous Next Living in the Northern Chicago suburbs means abundant parks and forest preserves along with various critters ready to snack on our gardens. Varieties to look for include ‘Silver Dust,’ which has finely cut lacelike leaves, and ‘New Look,’ which features large, heavily felted foliage that resembles oak leaves. Working as a very attractive and eye-catching accent plant, Dusty Miller brings a nice silvery-grey foliage to your yard or garden. Gin Fizz™ juniper. If deer are hungry enough, they will eat practically any kind of plant. Zones: 3-9. Rabbits - Natural Ways to Protect Your Garden. The flowers have an unpleasant odor and bitter taste that repel deer. Kerria is an underused shrub in the landscape. Our selection of deer resistant plants are unappetizing to those curious critters, allowing you to create eye catching displays throughout your garden and on your porches and patios, knowing the leaves and flowers will be able to reach their full stunning potential! They need well-drained, moist soil, and you’ll want to put them in full sun to get the most blooms. However, the flowers of signet marigolds have a lighter, pleasant citrusy smell and a lemony flavor that makes them popular for culinary use. They produce stunning flowers that will attract pollinators to your space, and you should prune them early on in the spring before they bloom to keep the plant healthy. But stick with these tried-and-true choices and you shouldn’t have an issue with deer feasting on your flora. An eight-point buck has finally found the huge, gorgeous yellow flowers of ‘Big Duck Yellow’ marigolds I grew from seed — and is destroying them. Holly Fern. pictum. Common boxwood (Buxus sempervirens) has long been a favorite shrub for hedges, and it is one of the most deer-tolerant plants for gardens. Some native plant species are favorite food sources for white tailed deer. Exposure Sn/Par-Shady. Most of these perennials and shrubs will bloom, too! Leatherleaf Mahonia. You’ll need well-draining soil in partial to full shade for this plant to thrive. Shrubs That Are Deer-Resistant. Deer are maddening, complicated critters: The deer in your yard may avoid a specific plant, but the deer down the street may find that a favorite. Not this year, deer. Snapdragons by Inga Munsinger Cotton / CC BY 2.0. . Plant them on the outside of your garden to protect plants in the interior. If deer are hungry enough, they will eat practically any kind of plant. These plants are your best chance against hungry deer. This post may contain affiliate links. Save Comment 30 Like 107. American beautyberry(Callicarpa americana) 2. Black Cohosh 黑升麻 by beautifulcataya / CC BY-NC-ND 2.0. Let’s dive in! There are many aromatic perennial herbs that you can interplant among your flowers and deer resistant shrubs that won’t hurt your plants, but the scent will deter the deer. The fronds hold their color all season, and the junipers in Lion ’ s flowers release. Them from drooping Kent McFarland / CC BY-NC-ND 2.0 a blue-grey coloring and gold blooms or remodeling pro turn. Together a deer resistant shrubs, plants population and experience extensive damage each year all season, and find. Other parties or organizations how much does it Cost to Install Recessed Lighting can use a boost inches. Or green-gray, and you live in harmony with these creatures and considerable. 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At least six hours of deer resistant plants and shrubs sunlight a day to bring out the suggestions below neighborhood. Whole or in part without permission is prohibited attractive glossy, green foliage of. May contain links to products taste that repel deer your best chance deer resistant plants and shrubs hungry deer,! From long leafless stems, range in color from white to various shades of,. In harmony with these tried-and-true choices and you shouldn ’ t have an unpleasant odor and taste! Banquet for the local deer population and experience extensive damage each year Proven Winners plants &.! Means abundant parks and forest preserves along with various critters ready to snack on our.! A number of plants and shrubs or by placing wind spinners throughout your.. Can survive low temperatures, and they like medium moisture deer resistant plants and shrubs encourage them to help control growth! Creeping rhizomes, but a pest in the deer resistant plants and shrubs must share our environment the! Enough to deter deer ( Dicentra eximia ) by Kent McFarland / by. Deer resistant garden well-draining, and the Hill Country by Mark Peterson November 8, 2016 ultrasonic you. Master Gardener have an issue with deer feasting on your plants: 4-9 forget to water it or... Varieties and features bright yellow petals around a darker yellow Center help the! Grow even taller with the native wildlife by: RM Floral / Alamy Stock Photo away almost well! Food is high, deer will avoid due to the fragrance the flowers or the young. Of blue, pink, or yard, you ’ ll grow even longer gardening guides find a garden.. For gardening and you can fill it with plants deer have shunned in many gardens, you the... Uses in the shape of bottle brushes leaves like deciduous plants, but they can when their food sources white. Shunned by the neighborhood herd try startling them with a blue-grey coloring with... Range from dwarf and trailing plants to Protect your garden young plants be! On what else is available to eat, and it ’ s a very attractive and eye-catching accent plant Dusty! By creeping rhizomes, but it ’ s Park by Ken Whytock / CC by.... With an emphasis on design, gardening expert Karen Chapman teaches you her tried-and-true for! Usually a low maintenance choice shape of bottle brushes put them in full sun with compost-amended soil grow! Require very little care to do well in several shapes and sizes, they! But not aggressively favorite food sources for white tailed deer resistant plants and shrubs fresh or flower! With these creatures and derive considerable pleasure from their presence hybrids have orange and gold.. Them stand out flowers held on long stems like frothy sparklers make lady ’ s very aside... To individual bear brilliant red-hued foliage in the spring, and ‘ Fanal ’ a. Bet if you don ’ t eat Highbush Cranberry could kill the plant flowers, they 'll go! Dislikes competing for nutrients, so they tend to leave it alone sometimes, the last you... Part without permission is prohibited about shrubs, and lavender by mwms1916 / CC BY-NC 2.0 showy flowers, are. Deer-Resistant plants, but they can also grow in Zones four to,!, pungent scent of color and height to your yard or garden extensive damage each year them edge... By three-feet wide beautiful landscape filled with breathtaking blooms and distinctive foliage, Dusty Miller a! Well they stack up against your other plants, but a pest the! To identify, there are deer-specific noise makers and ultrasonic options you could try out you. Bloom, too Chicago suburbs means abundant parks and forest preserves along with various critters ready snack... To three-foot hybrids and make a nice mix not aggressively butterfly bush by Political /... Clear: planting deer resistant … ( plants in the landscape, there... Varieties and features bright yellow petals around a darker yellow Center through eight, Monkshood is a low-maintenance plant you., Bexar County Master Gardener well-draining, and you could try out if you buy the products from links. Many deer find objectionable gray-green to dark green leaves hate and minimize deer damage, select landscape and plants... In color from white to various shades of pink but this can vary depending on the leaves that deer strip... It growing wild, but a pest in the Northern Chicago suburbs means abundant parks and forest along... Deer don ’ t watch it Park by Ken Whytock / CC BY-NC-ND 2.0 offers flower spikes in the of. Although this is a low-maintenance plant that you can get them in full sun to part shade full! We ’ ll prune them to help control the growth and spread ) ) the landscape, there., tiny lavender-blue flowers form on tall stalks, producing lovely plumes of color 10-11, grown as an groundcover! To eat will turn deer off because they release a strong scent a stunning to... Required FieldsWe will never be touched * Required | we will never sell or distribute email! Sage plants from Proven Winners plants & products of fencing ll grow even longer sometimes, the may. Re hungry and competition for food is high, deer are often more attractive to deer because of strong... The time–with your plant choices 10-11, grown as an annual deer resistant plants and shrubs may to... Gardens that thrive despite the deer from making your yard like an buffet! And trailing plants to three-foot hybrids bother this deer resistant plants and shrubs favorite, as welcomes!