Understand and identify the elements of a parody and learn to compare and contrast texts in different genres. GR A D E C A L I F O R N I A STA N DA R D S T E ST 6 English-Language Arts Released Test Questions READING The Reading portion of the Grade 6 California English-Language Arts Standards … Materials provide frequent opportunities across the school year for students to learn, practice, and apply writing using evidence. 6 th through 8 th grade Collections Textbooks are both rigorous and interactive as they have online resources, related subject links, audio stories and vocabulary terminology, and similar articles and literature of theme and subject.. Each Collections Textbook is comprised of 6 separate collections… The instructional materials reviewed for Grade 6 partially met expectations for alignment to the CCSS. The materials inconsistently support speaking and listening opporutnities with limited implementation support and accountability, and students do not have consistent opportunities to model the use of academic vocabulary learned in their texts. Teachers will sometimes need to add supplementary materials for certain tasks such as rubrics, graphic organizers, etc. . The verb tense shifts from present to past throughout the story: “He allowed himself to be admired,” followed by, “A sudden, violent scream breaks the silence." Collection 6: Spell Words Correctly; Parenthesis. While this does not account for the reading done outside of the English language arts block, the whole of the program does support students' access to many strong informational pieces of text. social sciences. Culminating tasks are of value but sometimes disconnected to the rich questions and reading that precede them. In some cases, instruction on classroom implementation is minimal or absent, and in others, there is minimal connection to the texts being studied. Students are asked to to "prove" this statement by reviewing and using information from a particular part of the text. There are two pages of instruction for how to complete the research. stream
Collections: Student Edition Grade 6 2015 1st Edition by HOLT MCDOUGAL (Author) 4.6 out of 5 stars 13 ratings. "The Mixer" by P.G. No Rating Yet Discover. The writing instruction, while it does have key components, does not support students’ increasing skills over the year. The story is slightly more complex in construction. Samples from the text selections include: Collection 3: This collection is organized under the theme “Dealing with Disaster.” The topic that comes through these pieces is disasters. There are opportunities for students to demonstrate some application of skills in context, but they are infrequent. The review teams also can ask publishers clarifying questions about their programs throughout the review process. high school math. Why does John envy the chicken?” (HMH 6th Grade, Collection 5, 278). Review your reading notes and cite text evidence in your response." 4 0 obj
In order to be reviewed and attain a rating for usability (Gateway 3), the instructional materials must first meet expectations for alignment (Gateways 1 and 2). other. “Reread lines 10-15. Much academic vocabulary practice is disconnected from the texts and text sets, although in some instances there are opportunities for students to focus in on author’s choices of words and structures. Analyze how anecdotes and text features contribute to the structure of a text. Some samples of anchor texts that support the high-quality expectations of this indicator include: Collection 1: "Facing Fear" engages students by incorporating an anchor text with the main character at the middle school age. Materials include frequent opportunities for evidence-based writing to support careful analyses, well-defended claims, and clear information. Some examples of evidence-based writing include: The instructional materials for Grade 6 partially meet the expectations of indicator 1n. Materials provide opportunities that build students’ writing skills over the course of the school year. The informational texts in this collection deal with tsunamis and the sinking of the Titanic. “There Will Come Soft Rains,” a short story by Ray Bradbury, “On Doomed Flight, Passengers Vowed to Perish Fighting,” News Article by Jodi Wilgoren and Edward Wong, “Memorial is Unveiled for Heroes of Flight 93,” TV Newscast by CBS news, “The First Day of School,” short story by R.V. The students ____________ made all the refreshments. After receiving over 25 hours of training on the EdReports.org review tool and process, teams meet weekly over the course of several months to share evidence, come to consensus on scoring, and write the evidence that ultimately is shared on the website. (l) ©Photodisc/Getty Images; (r) ©Underwood & Underwood/Corbis from Flesh & Blood So Cheap: The Triangle Fire and Its Legacy History Writing by Albert Marrin Albert Marrin (b. This assessment pieces in this story will really only give teachers insight into how each student understands the characters, but will not provide a deeper look into students’ understanding of key details, vocabulary, and overall craft of the piece. Some speaking and listening components within assignments provided in the student and teacher edition include the following representative examples. Materials include publisher-produced alignment documentation of the standards addressed by specific questions, tasks, and assessment items. In the Student Edition, students are directed to reread lines from the text, supporting silent reading. Type keywords and hit enter. There are some questions and tasks that grow students’ knowledge of some literary terms, but the practice in this area focuses mostly on surface elements of the text and text features, rather than diving deeply into the text. There is no outside research, so students gather all evidence they need from the pieces in the textbook. These sentences are not from the story - “Complete each sentence with the correct intensive pronoun.”. social sciences. Collection 1 - essay, narrative, summary, and letter. Work with a partner to determine if you have explained your ideas clearly. The series of texts in each collection are cohesive and are related to the anchor texts. foreign languages. Students are consistently prompted back to models and texts for evidence when writing. A definition of what students are working on is included: “Intensive pronouns are formed by adding, One example sentence from the selection is provided: “‘Here is an example of an intensive pronoun from ‘The Mixer.’ ‘Then somebody struck a light, and it was the man, After one sentence of further explanation, five practice sentences in the practice and apply section are included. The majority of analysis questions and tasks apply to single texts, although there are occasional cross-text tasks and questions. Collection 2: Animal Intelligence include texts exploring various perspectives on the intelligence of animals. These include: The instructional materials for Grade 6 include consistent connections between texts and tasks. The textbook does contain instruction for the language skills identified in the CCSS-ELA Grade 6; however, the guidance for instruction is minimal. Comprehension Collection - Grade 6 (eBook), Remedia Publications. Write Your Analysis - Review your notes and the information in your chart as you begin your draft. However, materials do not support students' increasing skills over the course of the school year. The story is more complex in construction since the main character is represented by a horse. From Collection 2: “Examine lines 12-17 of ‘Animal Wisdom.’ Find two examples of imagery and describe the image that each suggests” (page 104). They will model this after, Students are asked to discuss story elements with a partner. He was fantasy, liberty, and excitement.” The language and vocabulary are much richer than the texts within Collection 1 (for example in "My Wonder Horse,: “vision evoked," “paraded his harem," “lordly rejoicing” all appear on the first page of the story). At the beginning of each text, there is a “Why this Text?” box which includes a lesson focus for that text. Materials support students' listening and speaking about what they are reading and researching (including presentation opportunities) with relevant follow-up questions and supports. The materials partially support students’ academic vocabulary development and growing integrated skills in literacy. There is no consistent mechanism for teachers and/or students to monitor progress and work on reading skills to ensure comprehension of 6th grade-level materials at the end of the school year. Sets of high-quality sequences of text-dependent questions and tasks build to a culminating task that integrates skills (may be writing, speaking, or a combination). Examples representative of the program supporting students in demonstrating knowledge through an integrated culminating task include (but are not limited to) the following: Students will need exposure to additional language arts skills independently to prepare for the end of unit performance task. Below is an example of directions for a short writing activity that encourages students to practice the writing process. As a blanket statement, students are encouraged to practice using these vocabulary words in the following areas within the collection: "Collaborative Discussion" at the end of each selection, "Analyzing the Text" questions for each selection, brief performance tasks, and the End-of-Collection Performance Tasks. Textbook: Basic Finance (12 th Edition) Subject: Honors Finance & Investments Grade: 10-12 Publisher: Cengage Learning Website: www.webassign.net Textbook: Personal Finance Grade… 1936) taught social … The longer writing pieces are found at the end of each collection in the textbook and in the Performance Assessment booklet. . This helpful workbook provides Six progress-monitoring tests, including semester tests Reteaching lessons for the California Content Standards California The Grade 6 materials provide some opportunities to capture fluency practice with oral or silent opportunities within the text in the first part of the year. Use relevant sources. The instructional materials for Grade 6 partially meet the expectations of indicator 2d. [Novell username]. Materials support teacher learning and understanding of the Standards. Use a formal writing style. Some questions and tasks do meet these expectations. “Face Your Fears: Choking Under Pressure is Every Athlete’s Worst Nightmare” is an article about struggling and failing during athletic events. %����
These gateways reflect the importance of alignment to college and career ready standards and considers other attributes of high-quality curriculum, such as usability and design, as recommended by educators. There are limited and inconsistent opportunities for oral reading in the materials. Source: Gallup. Collection 1: After “Life Doesn’t Frighten Me Yet,” by Maya Angelou, the students are asked to complete the Performance Task: “Different people can read the same poem aloud in very different ways. Collection 4: Students write an argument speech and use two texts from the collection, “Wild Animals Aren’t Pets” and “Let People Own Exotic Animals” to help form and support their stance. ;���2~ K"P�$��Dt�DT,��|?�Dq�=;��"_n!�X���RMHdV�y � #ۤe7$�!�*����I��ݡ|��+�=��:�����\=Vb^o ӎ"S
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The vocabulary is mostly simple and conversational, although sometimes venturing into figurative language. Textbook: Gardner's Art Through the Ages. Productive writing is found in the “Performance Assessment” booklet, which is consumable. The tasks in this book are step by step culminating projects where students read multiple sources on the same topics, review models and respond by writing one of each over the span of the year: argumentative, informative or literary analysis essay. Each step takes up approximately half of a page of the student edition; the plan step is the exception as those directions usually cover an entire page. Tasks and questions in writing are grounded in evidence, and instructional materials provide many opportunities for rich reading and literacy growth. Extended process writing is also found in the Performance Assessment booklet in Units 1, 2, and 3. Subject: AP Art History Grade: 9-12 Publisher: Cengage Learning Website: https://goo.gl/9mw4nY Username: Cengage Password: Welcome1. Rico will finish the diorama _________________. Most student’s Novell usernames are first initial, middle initial, first three letters of last name, and last three numbers of ID#. The EdReports.org’s rubric supports a sequential review process through three gateways. Collections, Grade 6, Close Reader View larger image. There are a total of six Collections throughout the Student Edition. [There are three bullets under this for students to consider.]. Before each piece, the teacher is instructed to “Have the students read the background information.”. From Collection 3: “Review lines 129-142. The elements discussed during the study of “The Mixer,” in particular, coincide with the first performance task. He was fantasy, liberty, and excitement.” The language and vocabulary is much richer: “vision evoked," “paraded his harem," “lordly rejoicing”…all appear on the first page of the story. PDF Collections Close Reader, Grade 8 Download. The text is at an appropriate level for a student at the beginning of the Grade 6 year. The assignment is to “choose a fear and write an expository essay about it, using the texts [students] have read in this collection and adding [their] own research.” There are informational pieces in the collection that will help the students complete this essay, and some of the questions they have answered after each selection can be used as evidence in the essay. How has this conflict developed and intensified?” (HMH 6th Grade, Collection 4, 220). From a qualitative standpoint, the texts meet the appropriate levels of rigor and complexity throughout the materials. Academic vocabulary structures are in place, but support for students to learn and practice this vocabulary to build knowledge as they read texts is minimal. Examples representative of the need for more support in this area include (but are not limited to) the following: For example, after the piece, "Fear and Phobias," there is the following question: "What causes phobias? Digital materials (either included as supplementary to a textbook or as part of a digital curriculum) are web-based, compatible with multiple Internet browsers (e.g., Internet Explorer, Firefox, Google Chrome, etc. While these sections use sentences from the selection as examples, this language practice is still done out of context. The second performance task is an expository essay “. Students won’t immediately relate to either and will do so only after a close reading of the text. Alignment and usability ratings are assigned based on how materials score on a series of criteria and indicators with reviewers providing supporting evidence to determine and substantiate each point awarded.For ELA and math, alignment ratings represent the degree to which materials meet expectations, partially meet expectations, or do not meet expectations for alignment to college- and career-ready standards, including that all standards are present and treated with the appropriate depth to support students in learning the skills and knowledge that they need to be ready for college and career. Samples from the text selections include: Materials reviewed for Grade 6 partially meet the criteria for indicator 2b. The second text is a book review about a cargo ship dumping bath toys in the ocean. Texts and text sets are organized around topics or themes to support students’ growing knowledge deeply. These support the first performance task as they are elements of a short story. From “After the Hurricane,” a poem by Rita Williams-Garcia, paired with “Watcher, After Katrina, 2005” a poem by Natasha D. Tretheway. There are five informational pieces in this collection which cover what a fear/phobia is, how it would affect a person, how to get over it, the science behind the fear of public speaking, and a video that shows how the brain deals with fear. Texts included in Collections are sometimes organized around topics, but more commonly organized around themes, which is appropriate for grades 6-8. The first performance task is to write a personal narrative “about a decision [students] made or will make that will have an impact on [their] immediate future.” The directions ask the students to think about the Colin Powell piece and reflect on how that decision affected his life. Skills taught out of context do not provide sufficient practice to allow for mastery of the standards. These are myths with characters and settings from long ago, adding a layer of complexity absent in the two selections above. Frequently, culminating tasks focus on only one skill or do not require students to incorporate the text itself to complete the task. Students' texts include several reference pages on vocabulary and spelling (pages R52-R59), as well as a glossary of academic vocabulary (page R76) and a glossary of critical vocabulary (pages R77-R79). To wholly ensure students’ growing literacy skills, the teacher will need to provide supplementary support and more focused attention on building strong academic vocabulary. Collection 2 - literary analysis essay and expository essay. Step 5 is a revision checklist so students can self-evaluate their writing. Materials support effective use of technology to enhance student learning. Examples of different writing opportunities in the materials include: The instructional materials for Grade 6 fully meet the expectations of indicator 1m. The three questions after the Powell piece in the unit focus on summarizing, interpreting, and evaluating which person or event was most influential to his life. The addition of the Performance Assessment booklet will be needed to support modeling, process, and practice of writing. Identify any visuals, such as pictures or graphs that illustrate your ideas. (May be small group and all-class.). BCPS Digital Textbook Access Middle Grades (6-8) Textbooks English Language Arts-Collections is available for teachers and students via the HMH Core app on the SSO LaunchPad.-Inside access for … “Collaborative Discussion: With a partner, discuss the facts and ideas that explain glossophobia and why it is a fear that people must work at overcoming” (HMH 6th Grade, Collection 1, 54). Collection 6 includes Greek mythology, poetry, and an excerpt from the. “In the Spotlight” is an article that discusses the fear of public speaking and specifically addresses students. Collection 4: "My Wonder Horse”, a short story by Sabine R. Ulibarri, begins with complex figurative language. Reading and writing (and speaking and listening) are done in a cohesive learning environment. Even though they have written explanatory answers to text-dependent questions, students have not had exposure to crafting their own expository essay within the collection. The instructional materials for Grade 6 partially meet the expectations of indicator 2e. This is the Performance Task B – write an expository essay. Although the longer writing pieces contain the instruction to have students revise and/or edit, the shorter writing pieces do not. Materials do not provide a design, including accountability, for how students will regularly engage in a volume of independent reading either in or outside of class. Collection 3 - poem, description, research, and a computer presentation. Step 3 includes a graphic organizer to help the students finalize their plan for their essay. Collections. There is little evidence of an actual scope and sequence of skills or a "year-long plan" beyond these labeled components. The strategy of "Using Context Clues" on page 15 is not connected to other texts or vocabulary practice pages. Each section has a Plan, Produce, Revise and Edit and Present section. The purpose/use of each assessment is clear: Assessments clearly denote which standards are being emphasized. Although it does all of these things, it does not do them in a complete manner. However, the skills studied in the "analyzing the text" section after each piece do not necessarily lead to the culminating performance task of a writing project. Collection 5 - personal narrative and opinion essay. There is no rubric nor teacher support to help students who may need help: Extended writing pieces occur at the end of the collection and provide about four pages of directions for the student, one of which is the rubric. In the teacher edition, there are ideas for how to implement this task. All publishers are invited to provide an orientation to the educator-led team that will be reviewing their materials. Teachers will need to rely on the Performance Assessment booklet to guide students in the writing process in order to support written culminating tasks, as there is less guidance to support students in this area in the main student edition. The answer to this question can help the students with evidence for the culminating project; however, nowhere in the teacher's or student's edition does it connect this. Each text is accompanied by a text complexity rubric, found within the Teacher Edition, with quantitative, qualitative and reader/task considerations. This is consistent throughout the anthology. . The first instruction in research skills is found in Collection 1, pages 67-68. Plan and organize your essay. Collection 3, “Dealing with Disaster” includes texts about natural disasters. Materials contain sets of questions and tasks, but they inconsistently require students to analyze the language, key ideas, details, craft, and structure of individual texts in a coherent sequence related to the standards. Where appropriate, writing opportunities are connected to texts and/or text sets (either as prompts, models, anchors, or supports). Materials support students' advancing toward independent reading. Step 6 is a revision checklist for a peer to edit their paper. Collection 5, “Decisions That Matter,” has material that encourages students’ self-advocacy. The on-demand portion of the book is found in Unit 4: Mixed Practice. The student determines the characters and what kind of dialogue to include, as well as stage directions. Gateway 3 focuses on the question of usability. In each Collection there are directions to the teacher to share with the students this type of prompt: "As you discuss (title), incorporate the following Collection 1 academic vocabulary words: Performance Task A for Collection 2 has a sidebar in the plan section stating “As you plan, write, and review your draft, be sure to use the academic vocabulary words.” It repeats this for Performance Task B. Also use your school library to research books and magazines. For ELA, our rubrics evaluate materials based on: Text Quality and Complexity, and Alignment to Standards with Tasks Grounded in Evidence, Building Knowledge with Texts, Vocabulary, and Tasks. Collection 1: The collection is organized under the theme: “Facing Fear” and the topic of phobias. Materials must be well designed to facilitate student learning and enhance a teacher’s ability to differentiate and build knowledge within the classroom. The texts used over the course of the year are engaging, rigorous, and organized to supports students' growing literacy skills. Be sure to cite evidence from the text. However, practice and support for students to read silently or orally are minimal and inconsistent in the second half of the year's worth of materials. Cite evidence from the text that explains where phobias come from" (page 48). Materials should include routines and guidance that point out opportunities to monitor student progress. What details support the central idea?” (page 370). . On page 170, after “Watcher,” students are asked to create a poem for a performance task. Collection 1: “The Ravine” depicts one principal character battling his fear and the peer pressure that surrounds him. In Collection 6, What Tales Tell, has students comparing versions of "The Prince and the Pauper," including a drama by Joellen Bland and a graphic story by Marvel Comics. Underneath this box, is the “Key Learning Objective.” Each text has guided discussions in the margins of the teacher edition. Materials include explicit instruction of the grammar and conventions standards for grade level as applied in increasingly sophisticated contexts, with opportunities for application both in and out of context. For Grade 6 fully meet the expectations for alignment to the CCSS are organized around topics but. Edition 18c ) material to help the teacher Edition include the following page [ rubric ] to evaluate your -. 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