You will not be able to apply conventional crabgrass control products before or after reseeding, as they will prevent your new seed from germinating. Be sure to invest some money in the seed and get good quality, weed-free seed. All you have to do is go to your local garden store and purchase some high quality certified grass seed with endophyte and some … It adds valuable organic matter to the soil base which improves soil fertility and root … Weeds. In fact, if you simply want to level your yard without blowing your budget, you can use coarse sand. Over seeding & top dressing your lawn is really easy. Did you receive a mailing or email from us? If you have a lot of top dressing to work into the lawn perhaps seeding afterwards is best so that the seed doesn’t … Wait for a rain shower or sprinkle the … You don't want to accidentally smother the grass, but rather spread a rich organic material in a thin enough layer to allow the grass to push through and continue growing. Mr. Campbell, Thank you for sending in your question. Finally, it's time to add more grass seed. You top dress the surface of an established lawn with compost or other material to enhance its … He also addresses the best time to weed and feed. ›, Overcoming Salt Damage: Reseeding & Weed Prevention. Use this guide to learn about overseeding a lawn. I would also like to “weed and feed”. Alternatively, you can mix coarse sand with topsoil and/or compost to cover more area at a lower cost per square foot. I suggest that you use a mix of 20% bluegrass and 80% perennial ryegrass. You can ask Harold a question directly on his Ask the Expert blog. E.L.S. Then, go ahead and reseed. Adding a layer of topsoil to your lawn is called "topdressing," and it's a technique you can use to improve the look of your grass. Penn State Extension: Turfgrass Fertilization: A Basic Guide for Professional Turfgrass Managers. This … To be absolutely sure you get a top dressing with adequate nutrients for your variety of grass, send a soil test to your local extension office for analysis. OverSeeding - We will Overseed your lawn using High Quality Tall Fescue Grass Seed. It can be used following seeding, overseeding or sprigging to protect the developing … bag, you would apply about 5 to 6 pounds of product per 1,000 sq. On a seeded lawn: After sowing lawn grass seeds, apply a thin layer — about 1/4-inch — of compost as top-dressing to help maintain consistent soil moisture while seeds germinate and tender grass seedlings … There are numerous blends available. Top dressing is a good idea, especially if you have areas that have eroded or sunken over the last year. ft. © Spring-Green Lawn Care Corp. All rights reserved. You don’t need much—about a quarter inch or so is adequate. The following pictures … I am assuming that you used a bluegrass/ryegrass blend. Topdressing's benefits are so numerous, it's hard to understand why it is not the foundation for every lawn care program. It can reduce thatch buildup by encouraging decomposition. Her work has been published around the web, including on home improvement sites like Ron and Lisa. In regards to broadleaf weeds, like dandelions and clover, you need to wait until the grass has germinated and has been mowed three times before applying that type of product. If you notice dips that you want to level out, add a thicker layer of your soil, sand, or compost and tamp it down. You can add topsoil to an existing lawn -- and in some cases, you should. Top dressing is the process of applying compost, soil, or sand over the surface of your lawn. Looking for some additional lawn care tips? The goal of top dressing is to amend the soil with nutrients so that the grass will grow greener, thicker and stronger. This will help to relieve any compaction issues, and it will also provide a good site for the seed to germinate. Go ahead and mow your lawn as you normally would, but try to otherwise keep lawn traffic to a minimum until you can stop watering the seedlings every day. Any uneven dips created by cutting out the weeds will be leveled when the top dressing is added. Which should I do first and how long do I wait in between?”. Penn State Extension notes that grasses need 16 different nutrients to thrive, and your top dressing mix might not include each of these in adequate amounts. Top dressing involves adding a thin layer of organic material to … Top dressing does not just improve the look of your lawn, but can also benefit the health of the grass too. Any areas where it globs or mounds up should be corrected immediately. Top dressing involves adding a thin layer of organic material to provide long-lasting nutrients, whereas overseeding fills in bare or thin spots with fresh sprouts of grass. Before top-dressing the lawn, take the time to cut out weedy sections with a shovel to reduce competition and encourage a more uniform look to your lawn once the grass grows in. Repeat the Process if Necessary Allow the topdress to settle. Soil structure and drainage can be modified by topdressing with sand or other corrective materials. Once you've selected the top dressing, empty the bags or dump the wheelbarrow loads throughout the lawn. You don't want to scalp your lawn, but you do want it to be short. But to get the best results possible, you'll need to do some additional prep work before you dive right into the top dressing and overseeding process. Not all types of grass have the same nutritional requirements, so it's not always necessary to buy the most expensive compost or topsoil you can find. Harold provides some expert tips on two important lawn care practices—reseeding and top dressing—and stresses the importance of doing them in the right order. Topdressing reduces lawn stresses, helps keep … Now you’re ready to get started. © Copyright 2020 Hearst Communications, Inc. Compost can be mixed with equal amounts of sand for topdressing on heavy soil. It has been performed on golf courses since the sport was invented in Scotland, but has only recently … This would normally be a loam or a loam and sand mix, depending on the condition of your … Top dressing is the process of spreading a thin layer of material (usually compost or sand) over your lawn, or sections of your lawn. Water the lawn right after seeding. – Spring-Green Lawn Care Tips, Enter your address to find available services. Then seed the lawn with half the amount you would for a new lawn and gently go over the entire lawn using the back of a metal tined rake, so the seed … To ensure the top dressing easily rakes through the grass, mow your lawn to about an inch high. Topdressing regularly can smooth out bumps caused by worm castings and encourages a dense, lush lawn. Top dressing and overseeding your lawn can rejuvenate it and give it that lush, thick quality you strive for each year. If your lawn area is an acre, then you would purchase between 5 and 6 50-lb. It also help lawns damaged by a lack of water, heavy foot traffic and heat. Overseeding is an important for growing a healthy, lush lawn. Grass seed swells as it absorbs this moisture and produces a seedling ready for photosynthesis and rapid growth. It's important you prepare correctly and choose the right type of soil for a great-looking lawn. A good way to incorporate new seed into an existing lawn is to first core aerate the lawn. Discount Code. Overseeding a lawn lets you fill in bare spots and improve your grass by adding in better varieties. Apply the seed at the recommended re-seeding rate found on the label. Then use a garden rake to pull the top dressing out from the center pile on all sides. Centenary Landscaping Supplies presents a guide to Top dressing your lawn, grass or turf. It has come in nicely, however, I do have a question. Turf experts often recommend "topdressing" lawns with a thin layer of compost. The material is spread one-quarter to one-half inch thick in spring or fall, depending on local climate and soil. Top-dressing is usually done at the same time of year as seeding Here’s the good news Most poor condition lawns can be renovated with top-dressing followed by re-seeding or over-seeding! Lawn Top Dressing - Compost is applied to your lawn at a depth of 1/4" to 1/2" What is Lawn Top Dressing: Lawn Top Dressing is the process of adding a thin layer of Top Soil onto your lawn… Landscaping has put together a few important tips for taking care of these lawn areas after topdressing and over-seeding … Working a few square feet at a time, shovel … * Compost … A good way to incorporate new seed into an existing lawn is to first core aerate the lawn. It is difficult for most homeowners to maintain adequate watering for 28 days unless they have a sprinkler system. I suggest you look for a product with an analysis of 14-14-14 or similar and supply about .75 to 1 pound of Nitrogen per 1,000 sq. It can reduce thatch buildup by encouraging decomposition. Did you receive a mailing or email from us? Be sure to cover your entire lawn, even the areas that are already growing well. Apply Top-Dressing. Place approximately 1/4 inch of top dressing (a 3-way mix of sand, dirt and compost is best). ft. For that product, in a 50-lb. Try to get the top dressing about a quarter of an inch thick on all areas of your lawn. After aerating, it’s time for top dressing: spread either pulverized top soil or a good quality humus compost across the lawn. Water to wet the surface prior to a top dressing. So why is … Due to harsh winter conditions or other extreme circumstances, an established lawn may need to have some areas repaired by top-dressing with soil and over-seeding with new grass seed. Enter yourNeighborhood Discount Code. SHOP GRASS SEED … It allows you to maintain a true and level lawn surface by filling in any imperfections or hollow areas to … bags of a 14-14-14. “I planted about an acre of grass last spring. As a soil amendment, topdressing can improve soil biology by adding organic matter and the beneficial microorganisms found in compost. Top dressing and overseeding are important components in any organic lawn maintenance program. The reason why I suggest more ryegrass is that it germinates in 5 to 7 days, whereas bluegrass takes 28 days to germinate. Top Dressing with your overseeding is a great way to maximize the health of your soil – and the beauty of your lawn. Use a hand-held or push broadcaster depending on the size of your yard. Guess what else will push through and grow stronger than ever? This is also the perfect time to bring out the aerator and allow oxygen to penetrate the soil while also breaking up any thatch. Now is a great time to Top Dress your lawn. Cathy Habas has been a full-time freelance writer since 2014. It settles down through the grass and improves the quality of your soil at the roots. What to Do First: Reseeding or Top Dressing? I do suggest you apply a fertilizer after seeding. Top dressing is the process of spreading additional soil over the surface of your lawn. Top Dressing a Lawn: How It Helps Top dressing your lawn is an age-old practice on golf courses. Follow appropriate safety precautions when using power equipment. I am glad to read that you had good success in your seeding efforts last year. She graduated from Indiana University Southeast with a Bachelor's degree in English. Topdressing can be used to smooth the surface of the lawn. Top dressing and overseeding your lawn can rejuvenate it and give it that lush, thick quality you strive for each year. Choose the same kind of grass seed that is already growing in your lawn to achieve uniform color and height throughout the season. Top dressing benefits the lawn as it builds up the quality of the soil over a period of time, - sandy soils will be able to retain moisture better and so the lawn will be more resistant to drought, clay soils will … When top dressing a lawn with any material, only a very thin layer should be spread evenly over the entire lawn. The following is a question-and-answer exchange between a homeowner and Harold Enger, the Director of Education at Spring-Green. She enjoys writing content that helps homeowners feel motivated and confident in handling projects around the home. Combining topdressing with overseeding will gain the best result. You should add the new grass seed after renovation and either before or after top dressing. Topdressing can be used to smooth the surface of the lawn. Scotts recommends watering the lawn once or twice per day after reseeding until the seedlings catch up to the height of your existing grass. On the question of whether to overseed before or after top dressing, it's best to do it after so that the seeds receive adequate sunlight for germination. Top dressing is the process of applying a very thin layer of compost or another soil amendment to the surface of your lawn. I would like to reseed and top dress the entire area. Enter yourNeighborhood … Top dressing is a good idea, especially if you have areas that have eroded or sunken over the last year. Do not expect top dressing to smother weeds while sparing your grass. You will need about 3/4 cubic yard per 1000 square feet of lawn. This layer is only about a 1/4″ and is meant to amend … It can be used following seeding, overseeding or sprigging to protect the …