I don’t drink, but I love my alone life. In college, you see both methods of studying. As mentioned earlier, make effort in understanding the concepts, solve problems, and memorize things. Their intelligence, therefore, allows them to solve challenges on their own that those in rural environments would need to tackle as a group. The study analyzed data from interviews conducted by the National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent Health (Add Health) in 2001-2002 with 15,197 individuals aged 18–28. You know when I drink alone… I prefer to be by myself. Of course I would go nuts without the occasional get together, but most preferably with one, no more than two individuals. For example, when I study I loud my voice I can`t studying without sound. There I get an atmosphere to study when i sit alone and read the books or notes and, I … Because self-study is much more effective for learning, it should form the dominant mode of your study. Second, it forces you to do the assignment, because other people are observing you. Make … First, I prefer to study alone because I have way in studying. The research study on the savanna theory of happiness is truly interesting for surfacing the idea that highly intelligent people prefer to be alone as a way to navigate stressful urban environments. First, when you get stuck on some questions, other people may solve it, and vice versa. Also, I can`t stay all time in study. This can be achieved either by studying alone or studying in groups. Some people are more self- centered and prefer working alone while others prefer interacting with others and engaging in group discussions. I prefer to study in groups, and I have a few reasons. If they’re difficult, don’t just give up after one attempt. First of all, studying alone helps us to focus on specific areas of a subject that we are struggling with, rather than doing a broad overview of the subject. YEAH with nobody else. There are two aspects I see: 1. Some people prefer study groups, while others prefer quiet and alone time. If no one knows the solutions, you could discuss possible answers. Many students have different studying approaches which depend on their preferences, character, and availability. The unsocial. Whether you prefer working in groups, do best alone, or are adaptable and can work, either way, it’s a good idea to spend some time deciding how you want to answer the question. I remember someone telling me once that the reason i love being alone, is because I am very selfish. Answer: I like to study at home but, sometimes i go to library. Think about your past experiences. They agree with statements such as, “I don’t have a strong preference for being alone or with others.” All three types, the authors believe, represent distinct kinds of people. 3. In fact, some people even prefer an electric shock to being left alone with their minds. I feel this way for two main reasons, which I will explore in the following essay. But as frequently as we drift into our own thoughts, a new study suggests that many of us don't like it. I am of the opinion that it is better to study alone than to study as part of a group. Because the whole education system is geared towards working alone: if you help you neighbour during a test, or if you help a friend write an essay, it's considered cheating. Question: Do you prefer to study at home or study in other places? Although this would only be one study with a relatively small sample size, we would be able to gather insight on the most effective way to prepare for exams. Do you prefer to study on assignment from class alone or would you rather study in groups? 2. I prefer to study alone because everyone has their own ways to study and I have other reasons. According to me, study at home is a more comfortable and good choice for me.